While we try to be as clear in our communication as possible, sometimes it’s hard to get our message across.
That’s where this page should come in handy, as it’s the place where we’ll try to give you answers to the questions we get asked the most.

Unsupported Races
Q: What do you mean by “unsupported races”?
A: As a rule, ‘unsupported’ means that the only support you can and will get during the race is that what is available for all participants. On one side, it is the support on checkpoints and on the course by Legends Trails volunteers, and on the other side, you are allowed to use shops, bars, restaurants on the course. What is not allowed is any support individually to you by your family or friends for the whole duration of the race.
To make this rule very clear, here are some examples:
“My friend wants to run with me during a section of the course, is that ok?”:
This is NOT ALLOWED. You CAN NOT have a pacer, so no family or friends can run or walk part of the course together with you.
“I’m a very slow runner and will be alone on large parts of the course, can a friend join me for a part of the course?”:
This is NOT ALLOWED. You CAN NOT have a pacer, so no family or friends can run or walk part of the course together with you.
“During the race, a LST team (Legendary Safety Team) meets me, and I asked them to fill up my water bottles”:
This is ALLOWED. Anything given by Legends Trails volunteers to you is ALLOWED. Most probably, between checkpoints you will meet some of our volunteers, but don’t count on them having supplies for you. They will happily share whatever they have, but we don’t promise anything in between checkpoints.
“My friends want to surprise me on the course and bring me some fresh coffee and something nice to eat, is that ok?”:
This is NOT ALLOWED. Your family and friends CAN come and visit you on the course, but only to encourage you. They CAN NOT supply you with food, drinks, dry gloves, new clothes, … You also CAN NOT give them part of your equipment because you don’t need it any longer.
“My friends want to surprise me on the course and ask me to take some rest in their car?”:
This is NOT ALLOWED. Your family and friends CAN come and visit you on the course, but only to encourage you. You CAN NOT have a break in their car or camper.
“I want to eat or drink something at a restaurant or bar”:
This is ALLOWED. You CAN use shops, bars and restaurants on the course (please pay your bills!). If you deviate from the course to visit a shop, restaurant or similar, you must return on the course at the exact location where you left it.
“My husband, wife, brother, … has a house on the course, can I take some rest there?”:
This is NOT ALLOWED. You CAN NOT use hotels, B&B’s or similar, and you CAN NOT use a house of family and friends to rest or to re-supply. Similarly, it is NOT ALLOWED to take a rest in a camper, on the course and around the checkpoints.
“I arrive at a checkpoint, and I really need dry gloves, I don’t have any in my dropbag, can my friend bring them?”:
This is NOT ALLOWED. Your family and friends CAN come and visit you around or at the checkpoints, but they CAN NOT come inside. They CAN NOT re-supply you around or at the checkpoints, nor on the course.
“I arrive at a checkpoint, and I really need dry gloves, I don’t have any in my dropbag, but another participant (or a nice volunteer) offers that I use theirs?”:
This is ALLOWED, you can accept any support given by other participants or by Legends Trails volunteers.
Q: Can I run with my dog (or another pet)?
A: No, this is not allowed. While we love animals, we simply are not equipped to handle the care for pets when something happens to their participant or the pet itself.
Sold out races
Q: The race and/or distance I want to register is sold out. Is there a waiting list?
A: No, we do not apply a waiting list. However in the weeks before an event a number of people will probably sell their bib number. Follow our facebook groups because bib numbers are usually offered there. Be aware that it is not allowed in our facebook groups to post messages looking for bib numbers. Those messages will be deleted.
Q: The race and/or distance I want to register is sold out. Do I get an exception because I know the Race Director pretty well?
A: No, there is a reason we have determined number of bibs available. So please do not ask for an exception.
Bib pickup
Q: Will I receive a QR code or something similar that I need to bring to registration?
A: No, we don’t send out codes, you can simply collect your bib number by showing up during registration hours. Do bring your ID or any other form of identification. Also remember to bring your race vest or backpack so that we can attach the tracker to it.
Race Information
Q: When will I receive more information about the race after I register?
A: We try to send out the latest information about the race 2 weeks before the event. You will receive an email, but we’ll also publish the information on the website and post about it on our Facebook pages. Typically the information will have the race schedule (registration hours, pre-race dinner hours, starting times, …), some information on how to label your dropbag, the checkpoints and their cut-off times, the link to the tracking website and things like that. Usually we send out a second mail on Monday before the race with some last minute information. This is also the time when you can find your bib number to label your dropbags on the tracking site.
Race Courses
Q: When will the race courses be published?
A: The Legends Trail course will be announced in the weekend before the start of the race. An email will be sent to all participants, with the link to the tracking site, where the gpx file can then also be downloaded.
Volunteer Information
Q: When will the volunteers receive information about their assignments?
A: We aim to have the mail containing the information and planning for volunteers out 2 weeks before the event. In that email volunteers will find their assigned tasks and schedule, information about the event, information about the accomodation provided, and some info on the Legends Trails Team. We ask all volunteers to confirm their presence by replying to this email. If we have assigned you tasks that you do not wish to do or we have made an error with your availability, this is also the time to let us know.
Supporters/family friends welcome or not?
Q: Are supporters, family or friends welcome?
A: Yes, they are more than welcome. Just remember the “no support” rules. Non-participants are not allowed inside checkpoints, other than at the finish.